Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise Complaints

The clamor of a tenant’s raucous party or a perpetual late-night TV enthusiast can turn your profitable rental into a headache really fast. But thankfully, you’re not alone and there are steps you can take to reduce this risk. So, let’s delve into the solutions to combat noise complaints effectively.

Evaluating the Validity of Noise Complaints

Understanding the validity of a noise complaint is a vital first step in resolving the issue effectively. Sometimes complaints might arise due to personal disagreements between tenants, or a one-off event that won’t repeat itself. Other times, the noise disturbance could be a recurring issue that needs immediate attention. Here’s how you can assess the validity of a noise complaint:

  • Understand the Complaint: Gather information about the complaint, including what kind of noise is causing a disturbance, the time it usually occurs, and its duration.
  • Talk to the Involved Parties: Speak with both the complainant and the tenant being complained about. It’s important to listen to both sides of the story to get a clear understanding of the situation.
  • Consult with other tenants or neighbors: If your property houses multiple tenants, ask others if they’ve noticed the noise. Their input can help determine if the complaint is valid or if it may be a result of personal conflict.

two people looking over laws in an office

  • Check local noise regulations: Familiarise yourself with local noise ordinances. Knowing the legal boundaries can help you assess whether the noise in question is, in fact, a violation.
  • Monitor the situation: If it’s still unclear whether or not the complaint is valid, consider visiting the property during the times the noise is reported. Alternatively, you could use noise monitoring technology for an unbiased assessment.

Remember, it’s essential to remain impartial and professional during this process. Respecting all parties’ viewpoints and maintaining confidentiality where necessary will help maintain a peaceful environment while you resolve the complaint.

Responding To a Noise Complaint

Responding to and evaluating a noise complaint involves a careful, objective, and systematic approach. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

  • Acknowledge the Complaint Promptly: As a landlord, you have a responsibility to address any concerns from your tenants. When you receive a noise complaint, it’s crucial to respond promptly, acknowledging the complaint, and assuring them that you will investigate the issue.
  • Understand the Specifics: To effectively evaluate the complaint, you need to gather as many details as possible. This includes the type of noise, its frequency, and timing. The more specifics you have, the easier it is to assess and address the situation.

two people sitting on a couch talking

  • Speak with the Tenant in Question: After acknowledging the complaint, it’s time to communicate with the tenant who has allegedly caused the disturbance. Approach this conversation with an open mind, being careful not to accuse them outright but to relay the complaint and seek their side of the story.
  • Review Your Lease Agreement: Revisit your lease agreement to see if it contains specific clauses about noise disturbances. This can help clarify whether the tenant is in violation of their lease. 
  • Document Everything: It’s important to document all your findings, actions taken, and any communication exchanged during this process. This can protect you in case the issue escalates.
  • Implement Appropriate Action: Depending on the severity and validity of the complaint, your actions could range from giving a friendly reminder or issuing a formal warning, to, in extreme cases, starting eviction proceedings.

What To Do If Noise Complaint is Not Valid

If after thorough investigation, you find that a noise complaint isn’t valid, it’s important to manage the situation with care and tact. Start by communicating your findings to the complainant, explaining that you’ve taken their complaint seriously and conducted a detailed investigation. 

Reassure them that their comfort and peace of mind are your priorities, and encourage them to bring any future concerns to your attention. Given that they may have a lower tolerance for noise, kindly remind them that shared living environments often come with some unplanned level of noise. 

a landlord speaking with a tenant in their kitchen

Offer empathy and understanding for their perspective, but also suggest potential solutions. These might include soundproofing their unit, using white noise machines, or wearing earplugs during hours they find particularly disruptive.

It’s also important to talk to the accused tenant about the complaint. While they’re not at fault, they may be unaware that their activities could be perceived as noisy and may be open to making small adjustments to their routine to maintain a good neighborly relationship. 

Lastly, if such complaints become frequent but are consistently found to be invalid, it could be beneficial to possibly revise your lease agreements and noise policies to more explicitly define what constitutes a noise violation. This could help set clearer expectations for all tenants and maintain a positive living environment.

What To Do If Noise Complaint is Valid

If your findings show that the complaint is valid, then you need to refer to your lease agreement and local nows ordinances. For minor infractions, offer a warning and make sure to document the whole process. 

If the violation is severe or noise persists even after being warned, you want to consult with a legal professional and begin the eviction process. 

Bottom Line

We hope this guide has been instrumental in helping you navigate the issue of noise complaints, transforming them into harmonious resolutions. As landlords, your role isn’t limited to just collecting rent but extends to maintaining an environment where everyone can enjoy their own peace and quiet. 

However, we understand that dealing with such issues can often feel cumbersome. That’s where Home Choice Property Management steps in. With our wealth of experience and proactive approach, we can help orchestrate a stress-free experience, allowing you to enjoy the perks of property ownership without the hassle of day-to-day management.